Healthy people are not exempt from being exposed to the germs
that make them sick.
Many who are constantly washing their hands and use hand
sanitizers still end up getting sick.
Healthy people are not necessarily cleaner than the rest of us.
What healthy people all have in common is a strong immune system.
Consuming highly processed food and chemically laden products
work against the immune system tearing it down and causing disease.
Sometimes a little dirt is actually good for you.
People with a strong immune system do not need to avoid germs,
because their bodies are capable of destroying them before they
make them sick.
That is the way the immune system is supposed to work.
With many strains of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics,
a strong immune system is your best defense. As you come in contact
and ward off the germs you actually boost your immune system to
maintain good health.
If you want to build your muscles you work with them and exercise.
If you want to build your immune system you work with it by
applying daily habits that will nourish and strengthen your system
to be able to do the work it was designed to do. Constant sterilization will only weaken the system in its ability to fight the germs off.